Why is it important to manage public archives properly?

Preserving authoritative sources of information Since November 2011, UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Archives asserts that public archives must be preserved in a reasoned and studied manner. Why is this? Because “they are authoritative sources of information, underpinning accountable and transparent administrative actions. They play an essential role in the development of societies by safeguarding and … Continued

A story of know-how: Christophe Girard, Deputy Digital Manager

Formerly a social worker in the Paris region, Christophe Girard joined AGS Records Management as a temp in 2007. This motivated man quickly landed a full-time position as a multi-skilled archivist. His duties chiefly covered document destruction and setting up archive boxes. As he progressed, he made himself useful, assisting the company’s small but growing … Continued

Exceptional removals by AGS Rhône-Alpes Auvergne

AGS Rhône-Alpes Auvergne has carried out a rather exceptional move. For the third time in recent months, the team was contacted by a private customer moving from France to the West Indies to ship his motorboat and its trailer via groupage to his new home. “There aren’t many customers who own a boat and decide … Continued

How the GDPR is affecting the retention of employee data

The entry into force on 25 May 2018 of the European Union’s GDPR regulation has turned corporate HR departments upside down. And with good reason: every day, they collect personal data necessary for the smooth running of the company and the professional lives of employees. HR starts accumulating personal data from the moment a prospective … Continued

New Tax Benefits for Assignees Under Spain’s Expanded Beckham law

Named after the famous footballer David Beckham, the ‘Beckham Law’ is officially known as the ‘Special Tax Regime for Expatriates’. Introduced in December 2003 through Royal Decree 1008/2023, the law aimed to attract foreign talent by offering tax benefits to non-residents taking up employment in Spain. Enhanced Tax Benefits: Revisions to the Beckham Law The … Continued

Can ChatGPT Write your Global Mobility Policy?

Historically, global mobility policies have remained largely static. As such, you could argue that using ChatGPT to generate a Global Mobility policy would be no different to what a consultancy would do for your programme. After all, these consultancies essentially fuse existing policies together to create a policy that fits your needs. This is, in … Continued